This post will relate directly to Christians. If you aren't a Christian, or if this makes you curious or you'd like to know more about God, please don't hesitate to ask me or look up BibleGateway and discover. If you really want to know who He is, pray, buy a bible, New International Version (NIV) or New Living Translation (NLT) are both good versions to start with, then go to a bible-believing, bible-preaching church regularly and get involved in their community.
Ok, so we're here, the 'D' day was yesterday. 30th June is the date they decided our boy was due according to the measurements and info they gathered from the first scan I had at 11weeks (wow that was so long ago!). Roy and I beforehand were thinking it was the 4th of July, according to the date of my last period.
We've always had a thought, right from the beginning that he was going to be born some time within the last two weeks of pregnancy. Our boy has not born yet in case you hadn't guessed. But I am standing strong and faithful that if we revert back to our initial 'due date', the 4th of July, he could still be here by '40 weeks'. :)
I read somewhere that around 75% of babies are born after their due-date. I was fighting that statistic right from the start, and I'm still trying to with a bit of dignity. It makes it harder when almost everyone (almost being the key word, some people are awesome) has their negative 'dig' every time I see them.
If I do go overdue, that is past 4th of July, I don't really mind - other than the fact that I've been praying, my husband has been too, some friends and family have been standing with us, for our boy to be born on or before due-date.
My midwife is so awesome. She also had decided to roll with the 4th July date in case we need inducing. That way we've left the baby for as long as possible to do his thing all by himself. Which is another thing we've all been praying for - him to come naturally without induction.
Breakdown moment, go have a cry and pray about how I'm feeling.
God shows up and gives me some insight . . .
Perhaps we've put our faith in the radiographers too much - who put the due date 4 days earlier than we initially thought. In our excitement of having a baby we've set our hearts on the wrong day. Now, as we're angry with ourselves for getting our own hopes up, pride hurt, on one hand we really have no ground to stand on because we knew right from the start that our EDD was and still is the 4th of July, 2011.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18 NIV.
I have been fearful that I'll go overdue. I have been fearful that I'll have to be induced. I remain that those two things have been the two things that I have feared the most during this pregnancy. I know that Jesus is in me, he is Love. He is perfect love. The scripture above states clearly that perfect love drives out fear. So, right now, I proclaim the truth of this passage, the truth that I have perfect love in me from Jesus Christ and with that I command the fear to go.
Daily, even more than that, I have to remember this passage. It's normal to have to do it more than once. Fear creeps in when I least expect it. From people who may not even think they're saying anything wrong to me, or from doctors who know a lot more about 'stuff' than I do, from statistics, from circumstances. But ultimately, it is God who has the final say - not all the evidence around me that tries to bring me down. That's what faith is.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Epiphany moment. I just did a search for that verse and was directed/led to read the whole chapter. God is so real and alive in my life, he's opened my eyes to some things I've missed lately.
My pride has taken a hit. As I was so sure we'd meet our boy before or on the 30th, yesterday. Yes, I am embarrassed. God has taken me to that point, then shown me where I stuffed up.
"being sure of what we hope for"
What didn't we hope for? A late baby. We hoped for him to be on time or early.
"certain of what we do not see"
What did we see? We saw a due date that was earlier than what we had previously thought - so we put our hope in that and not in what we actually knew to be the due date. I was more than happy to take up the new due date because it was earlier than we had anticipated - yay, who doesn't want their baby a few days early?
So there are a couple things I missed. I've been raving to many people, even the titles of this blog are now (and always were) inaccurate. I won't be 40 weeks pg until Monday 4th July. Amongst all of this I missed giving God the glory because I was hoping on a wrong date. He showed me the chapter about faith, Hebrews 11. I do recommend you read the whole chapter to get the context right. And I thought I was praying and acting in faith, but it wasn't full faith in God alone.
God knows the desires of my heart, about how I sooo long to be holding our boy in my arms (Roy too). God put the desires in my heart. If I do go past the 4th of July, which I am believing that we won't, there will be another lesson to be learned, or another story to tell, that will give God the glory and show us all just how amazing and awesome he is - and that he really does know what is best for us. The date isn't what is relevant here, it's the faith and practice of faith in Jesus Christ that is.
Beautiful and humble words Holly May.