26 August 2012

Spring Cleaning

Just so you know, this post is not about spring cleaning.  It's just been on my mind a little since looking at dirty windows and clean-looking-vacuumed carpet that leaves your white socks brown underneath.  Should I hire a rug doctor?  Has anyone used one that can rave about it for me (inspire me to try it out)?

I need inspiration.  As if there isn't enough out there on my Pinterest account without having to 'pin' a whole lot more.

I haven't got a lot of inspiration on the 'writing' shelf of my imagination.  I haven't posted for a little while because everything I begin to write down seems ultra-dull to me and probably ten times more boring to you.  I never want to write just 'because I haven't in a while'.  I think that is the wrong time to write.  I need inspiration.

I'm pretty typically into something one day and then I get bored of it, or rather find something else much more interesting the next day.  Thus leaving my life in a state of not quite fini    .  Do you know what I mean?

I've been busy, listening to the rain we've had, loving the warm sunshine we've had, walking down streets delivering flyers on sunless-windfilled days with great company, popping in unannounced at a friend's home to use their bathroom, hanging up washing to find it still not dry in the evening, making dirty dishes, loathing washing dishes, exercising my ab muscles (they do still exist, yusss!), thinking, thinking, thinking.

The list goes on, organising, emailling, having cuddles and play-time with my 1yr old, napping when he's napping, driving around, painting signs, thrifty-shopping, sewing a quilt for a friend.  The quilt is my first official one ever.  It's not mine, I'm sewing for a friend who is gifting it to someone special.  I'm off to see another friend today, I met her at Plunket, our babies are over a year old now, walking and all the rest of it.

Thrifty shopping with Amy.

Delivering flyers on cool days, I forgot to bring a woolen beanie for the little man, I did find a woolen jersey (made by Granny) in my bag of tricks, so promptly used that instead.  Knitted green jersey by Great Nanny, crocheted blue blanket by Aunty V.

And there go the fingers in the mouth.  When he's tired, they generally go 'in'.

Our first warm day, he was outside, in his black and green gumboots, this time he didn't mind them on.

He just loved playing in the grass, spinning the stones, chasing Patrick.

On another day he found some forget-me-nots and carried them around with him for a while.  My husband always says to me (whenever he sees those flowers), "Hey I forgot what those flowers are called..."  He's so funny (sarcastic).

Painting signs....


  1. Writing it all out sounds like you have been very busy and inspired!

    Isn't this sunshine amazing?! Camilla is mastering out little step out of our house, this morning she's just been going in and out in and out in and out and now she is playing on our grass / weeds :) <3 sunshine!


    1. Oh, yes! I love watching the kiddos enjoy the grass/weeds. I know that step at your place is huge, Camilla is a champion! x

  2. Those signs look cool!!! Love the impromptu beanie and don't even start with unfinished projects lol. I am trying really hard to finish one before I start another, although I still have a few on the go at once.
    Can't wait to see the quilt all finished!


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