Can you tell that I'm getting excited about the market. Special thanks to Creative Mama, an awesome friend of mine, who simply asked if I was going to apply for a space at Elements Market. I've been amping ever since.
I mean, a few weeks ago, I would look through my stash and think about what I could make out of this or that. Or, I would think about what I wanted/needed for certain projects and then go rummaging. Often not being very inspired.
But at the moment, I'm making everything for a purpose. And, at the moment, I feel like I have an actual purpose, other than being a Mum.
I've been particularly inspired by the crochet star/flower below. It's about 3.5 inches wide and I can imagine a small throw or table runner made of a whole bunch of them joined together at the tips. It's definitely a 'nana' project. One that I'll save for another day I think. But isn't it pretty?
I even steam-blocked it - at Sophie Slims advice. I could not believe how amazing it turned out. Now I'm steam-blocking everything (Attic24 has a great example of steam-blocking here). Everything. Seriously, e-ver-y-thing. It's awesome.
If the market goes well, which I'm hoping so, I might make it a more of a regular thing. But we'll have to wait and see.
Next Tuesday, pop on over for my Matariki Crafting post... another exciting thing-a-ma-jig!
Yay for purpose and trying things out and steam blocking! Looking forward to seeing the other thinga-ma-jig!