29 October 2014

September's Journal 2014

And, one I did in January:

A mixture of watercolour pencils, pigment liners 0.1mm - 0.5mm, gouache, inktense pencils.



  1. oh wow!!!

    so, favorites: "i'll restore tired souls", can you imagine it as a print on a baby bib?! because i can! that'd be so totally cool!

    then of corse that "praise the lord for in every moment" yada yada - love those flowers!!! such a beautiful colour combination, a little tired looking brown and yet so, so elegant. seriously: print and etsy. this can so totally go somewhere!

    but my favorite-favorite is the one with feathers. i keep going back to it.

    like... wow. holly, you've developed so much in this short time. i'm so impressed. i feel like a parent, sort of, looking at these and feeling pride. like... i don't know what to say. wow. this is so beautiful.

  2. Wow Holly - these are stunning - I struggle to choose a favourite! Gorgeous!!!!

  3. Wow! These are just amazing! You truly have an incredible talent!


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