16 March 2013

MADE it... {11}

I've been crocheting again.  Bless.

I do love a 'bout' of crochet every day.  I notice when I haven't crocheted for a couple days... you know what I mean?  It's like I'm hooked or something (pun intended).

Fingerless mittens, or would you call them gloves?

Crochet-Talk:  They're made of mostly half-doubles, some doubles in the thumbs with decreasing stitches, singles around the edges and slip-stitches along the side seam.

I saw a great tutorial (via Pinterest) on a different way to do half-double crochet so you get that 'knitted-look' line.  I couldn't find it again (I didn't re-pin it because it got etched inside my crocheting-heart, never to be forgotten), but... *searches pinterest* here is a picture-tutorial for half-double crocheting in the back loop that's just as good.

Next week my life is going to be full on, helping an extremely creative lady organise a FUN craft love festival.

These mittens are available to purchase here.



  1. Love it! Your shop is looking so healthy and full, I hope things get sold!! <3

    Great new technique, it looks like you've knit one purled one!

    1. Thank you :) Fingers crossed! It's been a little slow...


  2. they look great - excited about the craft love festival - you guys are doing an amazing job!

    1. Thanks Miriam! Yes, it's going to be huge - Hazel has done SO well - I've done about 1%, Hazel 99%.

    2. I can't wait for the day to be here! Although also can't believe it is only a couple of weeks away! And Holly, you've done just as much as I have!!!! Don't sell yourself short!! x

  3. I loved seeing this page and looking at the photos and hearing about your life. So glad I know you personally. Love the pot plant hat on your boy. Cath Day

  4. Wish I had this talent! Maybe I should've listened when Mum tried to teach me!


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